This reference gives you rapid access to every feat, spell, class, skill, monster and rule in the full Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. With intuitive indexing and powerful search capability, the reference gets you the information you need quickly so you can get back to the game. Includes rules material from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, GameMastery Guide, NPC Codex, Bestiary, Bestiary 2 and Bestiary 3.For other developers: this app has an api that lets you pull up articles from your app. Contact me if you are interested in using it.
The application has 31000 rule snippets allowing you to access over 20000 discrete rule topics. Including: 725 Feats, 1358 Spells, 1402 Monsters & NPCs, 45 Classes and a ton more. The application allows you to hone in the passages that matter for what’s going on in game now. Every title in every article is a link that lets you just see/bookmark that section. It has a powerful and fast search lets you find the rule you need, quickly.
It also allows you to create bookmark collections. You can bookmark passages that you want quick access to as a GM, while creating other collections for your characters, giving you quick access to the rules that applicable to that character.
This application is Open Source and free. If you have a problem with the application, rather then giving it a low rating, or in addition to it, consider filing an issue, and I will try to fix the issue as soon as possible. You can find the issue tracker on the website by looking to the right, under Pathfinder Open Reference with the link 'issues'.
This application uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This application is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit
Permissions Note:
The internet permission is *only* used for error reports and content problem reporting. This app requires 16 megs of SD card space for the rules DB.
1.0.16,1.0.17 -
* Ultimate Combat, NPC Codex, other changes from 2013/01/13 PRD update
* Three new menus: Class Customizations, Hazards, Quick Reference
* New submenus: NPCs, Templates
* Preference to turn books on/off (Thanks robertpeacock22)
* Fixed some search problems
* Added support for samsung multi-window
* New splash screen
* Major under the covers work to enable some awesome upcoming futures.
1.0.15 -
* Words of Power were missing, added
* NPC Gallery npcs were missing - they now show up under monsters as well
* Linked NPC Gallery table to NPCs
* Linked Summon Monster/Nature's Ally spells to creatures
* Fixed formatting issues for vehicles, race creator, and various spells
* Find in page tool can now be hidden
1.0.14 -
* Advanced Race Guide
* All other changes from 2012/08/29 PRD update
1.0.13, 1.0.12 -
* Pushed a quick release to fix the search tool sometimes covering article text. Thanks to Frank for the callout.
* Fixed aggressive removal of "failed" bookmarks
* Added a search in page tool
* Added a table of contents tool
1.0.12 -
* Fixed aggressive removal of "failed" bookmarks
* Added a search in page tool
* Added a table of contents tool
1.0.11 -
* Search was broken for tablets in the last release, fixed
* Some monsters were not sorting properly
* Fixed numerous formatting issues in magic item articles
* Some minor creature changes
* Class articles now contain any relevant snippets from other books.
Tags: pathfinder pfrpg role playing game rpg srd pf pfsrd prd psrd D&D ogl gpl pc npc gm dm game dungeon master player tool tools